Summer Conference 2025

Fees and Registration

Fees for participation

340 € / reduced: 295 €

Registration is only confirmed once the fee has been paid.
Reduced prices apply for job seekers and students (only with proof!) and members of the DGfT.
Participants of our further training courses “Theater Therapy”, for whom the Summer Academy 2024 is a module of their further training, only pay for accommodation and meals.

Fees for accommodation and meals

ARRIVAL Wednesday (first meal dinner) and …

  • Departure Saturday (3 nights, last meal: dinner).
    Meals: 107,20 €
    Accommodation in single room: 114 € (with shower), 99 € (without shower)
    Accommodation in 2-3 bedded room: 99 € (with shower), 84 € (without shower
  • or departure Sunday (4 nights, last meal: lunch).
    Meals: 115,20 €, or 127,70 €
    Accommodation in single room: 152 € (with shower), 132 € (without shower)
    Accommodation in 2-3 bedded room: 132 € (with shower), 112 € (without shower)

ARRIVAL Thursday (first meal: lunch) and …

  • Departure Saturday (2 nights, last meal: dinner).
    Meals: 111,50 €
    Accommodation in single room: 74 € (with shower), 64 € (without shower)
    Accommodation in a 2-3 bedded room: 64 € (with shower), 56 € (without shower)
  • or departure Sunday (3 next, last meal: lunch).
    Meals: 99,30 €, or 111,50 €
    Overnight stay in single room: 114 € (with shower), 96 € (without shower)
    Overnight stay in 2-3 bedded room: 99 € (with shower), 84 € (without shower)

General information:
Meals per full day: 33 €
(includes breakfast, lunch, afternoon coffee, dinner)
Accommodation per night: basic price: 33 €, additional for shower: 5 €; additional for single room: 10 €.
The prices include the legal value added tax.

Please note:
Image and video documentation: photos and videos will be taken at the event for documentation purposes. These recordings may be shown at the event as well as published in publications (print and online) or as part of press coverage.


Deadline for registration is 15.05.2025.

For a cancellation up to  27.05.2025 a processing fee of  40 € will be charged; any fees already paid will be refunded.
For a cancellation after 27.05.2025 the full amount will be charged if the place cannot be reallocated. The processing fee must be paid in any case.

    Sommerakademie 2025 - Anmeldung



    Mobil oder Telefon*

    Adresse* - Straße, Plz und Ort, Land (wenn nicht Deutschland)



    Zimmerwunsch (Zimmervergabe nach Verfügbarkeit)

    Verpflegung (Standard ist vegetarisches Essen)

    Ich möchte Fisch, Fleisch und Wurst essen

    Ich benötige Sonderkost (3 € zusätzlich/Tag):

    Ich bin ...

    Kopie einer entsprechenden Bescheinigung bitte mailen an oder hier hochladen:

    Workshop-Wünsche (bitte mindestens 3 Workshops auswählen - Du wirst einem der Workshops zugewiesen):

    Möchtest Du noch etwas mitteilen?

    Ich stimme der Weitergabe meiner Daten an das Institut für Theatertherapie zu.*

    Hiermit melde ich mich verbindlich an.*
